Alchemy Spa Offerings


Marisa Hallsted
Marisa Hallsted

350 | Single Session

950 | (3) Session Series

Reiki Master, Channel, Shamanic Energy Healer, Alignment Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher Marisa works with those who have temporarily forgotten how to hear the undeniable call of their soul’s purpose. Her clients desire to live free from anxiety, trauma, people pleasing and lack and instead fully align with the remembrance of their innate divine power. Alignment Sessions with Marisa weaves channeled intuitive guidance with ancient reiki and shamanic energy healing techniques for deep transformation.

~ Laser-Focused Intention Intake

~ Deep Relaxation 

~ Reiki and Shamanic Healing

~ Chakra Frequency Alignment

~ Intuitively Guided Personal Power Homework

Marisa offers space for people to to permanently shift the core wounds from this and any other lifetime that keep them stuck emotionally, energetically, spiritually and physically, compassionately aligning them with their unique Soul’s path.

1 : 1  Alignment Sessions

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